Luminance Mix


I saw this the other day and thought to myself, this is great but you can do that samething right now. Heres how.

set cut_paste_input [stack 0] version 7.0 v9 push $cut_paste_input NoOp { name FG_PLATE selected true xpos 142 ypos 33 } set N15f060c0 [stack 0] NoOp { name Blue_or_green_palte selected true xpos -27 ypos 33 } NoOp { inputs 0 name Color_Corrected_Plate selected true xpos -137 ypos -35 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation difference name Merge1 selected true xpos -137 ypos 33 } Saturation { saturation 0 name Saturation1 selected true xpos -137 ypos 231 } push $N15f060c0 Merge2 { inputs 2 operation plus name Merge2 selected true xpos 142 ypos 231 }

Download script

Use a merge set to difference between the color corrected version and the non color corrected version. You then need to make it gray scale by desaturating the image. That will give you a dispill matte. You then plus this on top of your color corrected green screen plate. Then you can use the mix in the merge to control how much is added back in. This is also a knob in many dispill gizmos, it's called relight.
