Moving Up Day 2017

It's been a wonderful 3 years. It's also been a hard 3 years. It sounds just like life.

Auto Designer

Photo Taken By: Shak Okoebor

I need to teach Shak about Portrait and Landscape for next year.

3 Days 2 Nights

Wow, its crazy after 8 years of being with Kamden 24hrs a day. We missed him so much. We are so proud of you Kamden.

Excited and Nervous

Oscar(Armageddon 1998):

Great, I got that "excited/scared" feeling. Like 98% excited, 2% scared. Or maybe it's more - It could be two - it could be 98% scared, 2% excited but that's what makes it so intense, it's so - confused. I can't really figure it out.

[to NASA tech strapping him in] Will you make mine really tight, 'cause I don't wanna fall out. I mean, almost to the point of cutting off circulation.

Think that's how most of the parents right now.

Water Shoes

Kamden is going on a 3 day camping trip. Here are his water shoes. Wow Kamden has grown.

Ninja Party

It was really fun watching both the kids and the adults today.