Yesterday the nuke mailing list received a message informing us that the list would be transitioned into a new forum based format.
I have been apart of mailing lists since I started using Shake. The Shake list was a great resource. Easily searched when information was needed. Some of the smartest Shake artists participating. The same applies to Nuke. A mass of knowledge from other artists in the trenches to employees of the The Foundry[hello Deke].
The Foundrys decision to end the mailing list in favor of a forum is crazy. Add a forum to your Comunity section fine but for us members of the mailing list let us continue.
We have now moved away from your mailing list in favor of a Google group. Ok that will work but you do get that by doing that you pushed all the top Nuke artists away from the very support you wanted them to provide. The Nuke list answers all questions, not just high end compositor questions. We have moved away from RTFM. Having Foundry employees participate within the group helps us. We don't have to wait for support. Maybe we had a question that support has no business answering. The mailing list made it possible for artists to pick up the strange and artist centric support questions and freed The Foundry to make Nuke better. I didn't have to navigate anywhere, it was in my email[almost like a support email].
Pushing talented artists away from you is always a bad idea. This is true of both Vfx vendors and software companies. Artist have plenty to be angry about right now let's not make a simple mailing list one of them.
For those artists that are interested here are the new Google Groups. To all that contribute daily to the list, Thank you.
Nuke User
Nuke Python
Nuke Dev
The Foundry has back peddled on closing the mailing list. Smart move guys.