
HIERO is a desktop application for collaborative VFX workflow - a scriptable timeline tool that conforms edit decision lists and parcels out VFX shots to artists, allows progress to be viewed in context, and liberates your finishing systems and artists for more creative tasks.

One of the biggest hurdles we as artist can face is where and what.


Remember that 3 minutes I told you about. Were I get to read something. Ok, so I'm a slow reader. I need more then 3 minutes.

This is were Instapaper comes in. At its core it is both a web service that saves URLs and a iOS app to read those saved articles. Go to Instapaper.com to sign up. The web service is free.


  1. Drag the bookmarklet to your browsers bookmarks. There are instructions here
  2. Start saving articles for reading.

There isn't another step unless you have a iOS device. If you would like more information go here.

If you decide you would like to use more than just the web interface and have articles on your device for offline browsing you can purchase the Instapaper app from the AppStore. I say purchase because the app cost $4.99. Worth every penny. once the app is installed you sign in with your username and password and the device grabs up to the most recent 500 articles. You can make folders for savings and categorizing stories. There is also a straight archive that is just that, an archive. You can add via in app purchase search for $3.99 for 3 months.

You can also use this service to send articles to your Kindle. There is a fee associated doing that but if you are kindle user and do not intend on buying a iPad or iPhone this might interest you.

Instapaper is great app/service. I love always having something to read. Learning or laughing or simply having a place to save and archive your favorite articles or important info from your day.

The best write up I have read is here .


A friend of mine just got a iPhone. He is coming over from a Blackberry. He asked me to recommend some apps. Here is part one. I will also be posting about web services that intergrate well with the iOS.

Reeder does exactly that. Reeder reads RSS feeds. Your favorite sports team, maybe a family member has a photo site. The photo bit can be a huge game changer for a couple who just had a baby.

To use reeder you need a google account. The Reeder app will ask for your google account info.

If you would like more info on getting google reader working click here

Then its game on. Go to your favorites sites. I'll get you started.


Why is reeder a game changer. Reeder is quick. I need quick. I have 3 minutes[rendering, we have a render farm its awesome], but sitting there staring at rush is waste of time. I can glance at Reeder and whatever catches my eye I will start to read.


More on Channels

When I start a shot, one of the first things I do is shuffle the source reads RGB channels into a src_plate layer. By doing this I have created a new layer in my compositing stream that i can now get to at anytime. I can also do this with pre-renders of denoised source plates or maybe just the red channel for tracking. These can be shuffle copied into the compositing stream as well. Now when I need the source plate down the compositing stream I can use a shuffle node to bring that layer front and center.

There is a flip side to all these layers and channels. If you work with folks that do not use this method of compositing then this might cause a problem. Above all else when working with others in compositing is to have everyone on the same page. Above all else if you are working within a group keep your scripts readable and organized as you can.

Take some time and understand what your doing. There is nothing worse than not knowing why a image or matte isn't showing in the viewer.

Here is an example script to look at. And also a link to Nukepedia.com explaining more in-depth layers and channels. In this script there is SRCPLATE and SRCPLATE_CC. Both layers containing RGBA channels. There is also a roto node that is plugged into a copy. I am coping the roto nodes matte into the stream for future use.

        set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 6.2 v2
push $cut_paste_input
Roto {
 output alpha
 curves {AnimTree: "" {
 Version: 1.2
 Flag: 0
 RootNode: 1
 Node: {
  NodeName: "Root" {
   Flag: 512
   NodeType: 1
   Transform: 0 0 S 0 0 S 0 0 S 0 0 S 0 1 S 0 1 S 0 0 S 0 1024 S 0 778 
   NumOfAttributes: 10
   "vis" S 0 1 "opc" S 0 1 "mbo" S 0 1 "mb" S 0 1 "mbs" S 0 0.5 "fo" S 0 1 "fx" S 0 0 "fy" S 0 0 "ff" S 0 1 "ft" S 0 0 
  NumOfChildren: 0
 toolbox {createBezier {
  { createBezier ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 tt 4 }
  { createBSpline ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }
  { createEllipse ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }
  { createRectangle ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }
  { brush ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }
  { eraser src 2 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }
  { clone src 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }
  { reveal src 3 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }
  { dodge src 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }
  { burn src 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }
  { blur src 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }
  { sharpen src 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }
  { smear src 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }
} }
 toolbar_brush_hardness 0.200000003
 toolbar_lifetime_type all
 toolbar_source_transform_scale {1 1}
 toolbar_source_transform_center {1024 778}
 view {}
 motionblur_on true
 name Roto1
 selected true
 xpos 3614
 ypos -43
CheckerBoard2 {
 inputs 0
 name CheckerBoard1
 selected true
 xpos 3608
 ypos -205
ColorBars {
 inputs 0
 name ColorBars1
 selected true
 xpos 3775
 ypos -381
add_layer {SRC_PLATE SRC_PLATE.red SRC_PLATE.green SRC_PLATE.blue SRC_PLATE.alpha}
Shuffle {
 alpha black
 name Shuffle1
 label "\[value out]"
 selected true
 xpos 3775
 ypos -298
ShuffleCopy {
 inputs 2
 red red
 green green
 blue blue
 name ShuffleCopy1
 label "\[value out]"
 selected true
 xpos 3775
 ypos -184
add_layer {roto roto.matte}
Copy {
 inputs 2
 from0 rgba.alpha
 to0 roto.matte
 name Copy1
 selected true
 xpos 3775
 ypos -43




What's good about the iPad. It's not what you think.

I am a compositor. I sit in front of a computer all day long. I use every bit of RAM and all cores. When I get home the computer can be a very deep dark hole. The screen sucks me in. An update to the Web site or edit the lastest photos. maybe learn some Python or compositing trick. I could sit at a computer for hours.

Enter iPad.

The iPad provides a rich experience but scales it down for me just enough where I do only what the iPad is good at. I read, return e-mail. Surf the web. I do not listen to music on the iPad, but I play games. During the baseball season I watch or listen to baseball games. Thats about it.



I'm really liking the Siri/OmniFocus integration.

Placing your tasks within the things to do list or a GTD workflow is the part that screws me up. How many times have you said to someone if it isn't in the calendar it doesn't exist? Well now I have no excuse. Not that wanted one to begin with.

It was always a worry that I wouldn't be able to use my system with Apples. The thought of Siri was great. I have been using Siri ever since getting the iPhone 4s. Communicating with my wife while driving. Adding thing to the calendar is easier with Siri. Asking a question and a setting a timer. All things that I would avoid.

While the reminders app is focused and suited for most, I was wanting more earlier. I have been using OnmiFocus for sometime. It also working better as also for reminders but also for projects and multiple action tasks.

Now that can have Siri place events in OmniFocus sky's the limit. So thanks OmniGroup for taking the time and making it work.


Swipe Left

Recently I came across this problem.

I had downloaded some podcasts on the iPhone. At work when I have no
Podcasts to listen to I grab some thru the iTunes app on the phone. Before iOS 5 the podcasts were treated like any other podcast that had come from a iTunes sync. But now those podcasts seem to have made a home on my iPhone and would not be deleted. Listen to or not.

Answer swipe left. delete

Gestures do solve some ui problems. Just not all of them. If you don't know it there you can't use them. It's not a new flaw it's a old one. If a command is buried in a menu and you don't know about it, you can't use it.

Photoshop is guilty of this. Content aware fill is a great tool. It's not a 100% fix but workable. I recently used it for a clean plate. Got me close and I painted the the rest of it. This tool fills in areas with content from surrounding areas. Sounds cool, huh! It is, but it's in a menu. My dad might use this a lot but I had to show him that it was there. Gestures adds a layer we didn't have before. Going from on the road with my laptop to my office is a change. My MacbookPro is plugged into a external monitor. As a result I no longer have a track pad. And now with the change to more of a iOS interface in Mac OS X a track pad is almost a must.
