
My dad when he got his television stolen he never replaced it. Why you might ask. You need to learn to think and not see.

Awhile back Scott Squires posted tips for being a good VFX artist. One of the ideas was that you needed to know how to see what you are trying to do before you do it. He is right. Being able to see it first is so important. Scott goes on even being able to see it on slow motion. This really isn't a new idea. athletes have been doing this for years. Visualize it and then your body can do it.

I have watched many an artist try crazy things because they can't visualize it. You have to make the connections.

First learn to think, then learn to see.

Scott, thanks for making me think.

There is a great Roald Dahl poem describing exactly what my dad is talking about.

Roald Dahl:

He cannot think -- he only sees!