
The idea that you can make a movie in post is crazy. As you look around at the big tent pole movies being made all of them have gone into reshooting parts of there movie. I have read reports that shooting started even before some of the final decision have not yet decided. Even comedies are such a mess that then need to go and reshoot.

Making a movie is hard. Some think it is easy. Get a camera, point it in the general direction of the action and you got a movie. This simply is not how it works. It takes planing and asking questions.

Let’s not make it harder by not making decisions and talking it out first. Sometimes all it takes for me to solve a problem is to go talk it out with someone. I had a supervisor that would sometimes explain how he would do it on a optical printer. This made the process much more simple.

Putting talent in a green suit doesn’t make him disappear. Putting tracking markers all over a iPhone doesn’t generally make a better shot. Making movies is about the small stuff.

“Smaller brush, Michael. I want to feel it not see it”

Ask us questions and listen to us. We are a group of really smart people who can do almost anything. Trust us.

Indecision might be the most expensive part of visual effects.