Photo Taken By: Andrew Bogen
Getting Ready
Photo Taken By: Andrew Bogen
Photo Taken By: Andrew Bogen
Hanging Ten
Photo Taken By: Andrew Bogen
Photo Taken By: Andrew Bogen
Photo Taken By: Andrew Bogen
Photo Taken By: Andrew Bogen
Warmth, thats what comes to mind when saw this photo. Some of these I have never seen, or maybe dont remember seeing. Either way great photo. The house has been turned on for a least 4 days in this photo. In the winter the house gets freezing. We shut the house down to save energy and well as keep the pipes from freezing[it is a mess]. A side effect, the house takes a couple of days in the winter time to catch up with mother nature. But ounce warm.Nothing can beat it. It's part of the character part of being in the mountains. Wouldn't change a thing. Can't wait for it to get cold and you have a excuse to start a fire. **
How Old I'm I
Mono Tuffa 2
Photo Taken By: Andrew Bogen
Mono on the Rise
Photo Taken By: Andrew Bogenh