The Dealine Team:
This year’s nominees show how visual effects have spread from summer blockbusters to genres as diverse as superheroes, different flavors of fantasy, more traditional sci-fi territory, and even the art-house film. For each nominee, there’s a moment that makes it worthy of an Oscar nomination. Here, the visual-effects supervisors on the nominated films break down the key challenges and talk about the sequence that clinched the nomination.
Lets not forget that the company[Rhythm and Hues] that brounght you "Life Of Pi", is in huge trouble and there is a chance of it closing. Artist are not being paid, losing there health care. As you watch the Oscars this year remember that all aspects of movie making are important and vital. From the security guard to the director all play a important part in movie making.
Telling stories is a really hard bussiness, one that I love very much. I hope visual effects doesn't have to burn to the ground before there is change. Hollywood cannot make a movie without all of us.