Why Rhythm & Hues? And How Do We Keep It from Happening Again? | Studio Daily

I got sick to my stomach when I heard that the venerable Rhythm & Hues was going bankrupt. Sure, there's been a lot of speculation about what went on to bring R&H to its knees. I've said elsewhere that it collapsed from within due to heavy overhead. Well, I was only a tiny bit right about that. Finding out what really happened has been difficult. I've managed to have conversations with a number of people in positions to know who wish to remain unnamed. I've gotten diametrically opposite opinions at times and had to seek third- or fourth-party input. In the end, what I have makes sense, and I've shown it to knowledgeable people and asked if I was being reasonably correct and fair. After a number of revisions and re-writes, I'm quite certain this is what happened. Be aware that I have long been a fan of R&H, but I have done my best to remain objective here.


Rhythm & Hues Bid Deadline Today

Few can blame Shim for wanting to guarantee work from two of Rhythm & Hues’ biggest studio clients after spending more than $17 million plus additional costs to save it out of bankruptcy, and I hear other potential bidders are just as uneasy about the studios’ lack of guaranteed business.


I'll say it again, I hope everyone has a plan over at R&H. It hurts less if you have a plan. Its going to get worse before it gets better. R&H as you know it is over.

Nvizible (Nvizible) · GitHub



A Python tool allowing for Nuke python commands to be executed from outside Nuke


Thanks for sharing Hugh.

Stop worrying about people ...


"Stop worrying about people learning your techniques. If your secret is how to best use a program, that's not much of a competitive edge."

Very well said. All you know came from someone else. These are not your techniques.

New Assist tool for NUKEX coming soon | The Foundry

The Foundry:​

NUKEX’s Assist tool allows the common tasks of paint, roto, 2D tracking and planar tracking to be shared with a wider group of artists at no additional cost.


The price tag is a major problem for the foundry. This might help.

JohnParenteau.com » The VFX Quandry

By John Parenteau:​

I was unfortunately not able to attend the VFX Solidarity town hall meeting the other night, but I wanted to share some thoughts about the current state of the visual effects industry, and propose some possible solutions for all our futures. This might also help some of my non-VFX friends understand what’s going on. So here I go!