
Todd Vaziri writing at vfxrant:

Today, the visual effects industry has many issues.

▪️uneven market due to film subsidies (free money) to studios

▪️6 major clients (soon to be 5) pits VFX houses against each other

▪️no union, no guild, no trade association

▪️fixed bids

▪️"digital makeup"

1/3 — Todd Vaziri (@tvaziri) January 2, 2018

If the makeup department does a bad job and vfx artists have to fix the problems, shouldn't the money spent to fix it come from the makeup budget, not from the vfx budget? I don't want to single out any of the union backed production departments but this goes for all of you. I have been fixing bad makeup and prosthetics for years. It was a running joke at Pactitle.